
Schillinger Introduction.

I have decided to go back through the entire SSMC (Schillinger System of Musical Composition) and the MBA (Mathematical Basis of the Arts) and take detailed notes. I have also decided that I will put all of these notes here on my blog for all the world (or maybe like one person) to see and and maybe gain a better understanding of what I believe to be such an important work.

I don't want to say that I am dome sort of Schillinger groupie or anything but I believe that his works are truly of merit. They were not just a collection of rules set down some two-hundred years ago, nor were they applicable only to the "twentieth century" style either. People like him and Howard Hanson (whom I will have more on later) have interesting and important, allbeit somewhat radical, views on music.

I realize that I alone am not going to bring ideas like this back to the mainstream or really change anything in anyway, but most of the information you can find about theories like these are mainly just overviews or come from very expensive online teachers and courses. All I am trying to do is provide a place, where if someone is interested in what I have to offer they can get it for free.

Stay tuned as I go back through all twenty-two hundred pages of Schillinger's works that I own, it should me fun.

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